looking back, i found myself real stupid !
maybe not much of a stupidity but more of laziness.
cos, i felt that i could have done much beta for my previous sems.
i mean, real much much much beta.
if i had, previously,
my cumu gpa wouldn't have been this bad, now
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010

ain't it equivalent to saying everything'll be fine aft a hurdle?
to me, i wun beg to differ.
i still remember that i used to ponder over my mistakes made.
crying over spilled milk.
and chose to ignore wad had happened.
in the end of the day, it's like mistakes made but no lesson learnt, kinda thing.
as time passes, and as i grew older (not that old, so as to speak),
i began to realize that hurdles are made just to make ppl stronger.
and i believe i might has said this to certain ppl.
obstacles are dere, not to bring someone down,
not to make someone dwelling upon it forever
but to make someone change.
everything happens for a reason
if u're not able to put this down, make a change,
den u're making a big mistake in life.
and, the world is getting weirder indeed.
ppl believe in "an eye for an eye"
no doubt, that could be the most effective way to make ppl learn
but ain't it making life more troubling?
like thinking of how to get back at that person?
it's just making this world a more revengeful one.
perhaps, one day, i might be like one of u guys.
"indulging" in grievances and exploding on one fine day.
that could just happen but i guess,
i'll curb myself for doin that.
cos it's just so tiring to get back at someone.
and even to be angry at a certain person.
no matter where u are living,
or situated at,
only you can make urself happy,
though i dun deny, sad things that happened will tend to make things the other way round.
but nth can bring u down,
if u're determined to stay happy.
it's all right to be sad wid a certain thing for a period of time,
cos the hurt inflicted might be a great one,
and memories are dere.
but it's hurting to be at the same spot forever, in life.
just move on.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
okay !
i'm here agn
all alone at home now,
bored to the max.
and broke to e max too !!!!
gonna try to dig out money
if not, i can say bb to the outing this wkend alr !!
gotten results today.
was asleep when i heard my phone ring.
saw 2 smses.
okay, but i read my results first.
cnt sleep when i first saw my results.
and when i saw my cumu gpa,
my mood dropped ://
it's soo sucky !
cnt even hit the range that i wanted ://
COUNTING DOWN : 3 more days !!!! :(
awww. still soo long !!!!
i'm here agn
all alone at home now,
bored to the max.
and broke to e max too !!!!
gonna try to dig out money
if not, i can say bb to the outing this wkend alr !!
gotten results today.
was asleep when i heard my phone ring.
saw 2 smses.
okay, but i read my results first.
cnt sleep when i first saw my results.
and when i saw my cumu gpa,
my mood dropped ://
it's soo sucky !
cnt even hit the range that i wanted ://
COUNTING DOWN : 3 more days !!!! :(
awww. still soo long !!!!
okay, this post is taken from androne.
find it kinda true.
"What God has joined together, let no man separate".
Separation and attacks will not come from within the relationship, but from the outside. As such, we got to guard our hearts and always stick close to each other. That is why like Ps Robb Thompson said, our destiny is tied to the ones we call friends. Be careful, not to let other people meet your partner's needs, if not, you're doomed. Thats why its important to know each other well.
Who are the people you associate yourself with? They're not just going to be there when you're single, but also when you're attached. Will they support, not just you, but your partner? Its like choosing a spouse, when marriage comes into the picture, its no longer about you anymore, its about their parents, your in-laws, do you get along? Has God given you the favor? Do you have what it takes to reach out to the unsaved in your partner's family?
This verse has a pre-requisite, attacks and separation will come from the outside only...IF...as the first part says, "What God has joined together," it has to be a God-idea, not just a man-made good idea, just because you feel good about someone, etc. Choosing the wrong person, you dont have to say much, separation and attacks can and WILL come from inside the relationship. I can prophesy to you haha. Wrong attitudes, different vision, wrong flow, etc. Quarrels and squabbles.
A member once shared with me before, to be unequally yoked is not just about religion or beliefs, its about vision and purpose. If one believes in going overseas to do missions and the other believes in local evangelism, then where's the link in that? Where's the flow? How can the two accomplish anything unless they are agreed?
If A is too mature, and B is new in the Lord, A will feel he/she's always the one sacrificing, he/she will feel used. While B will always feel, why am I so useless, why do I always have to be the one needing to be loved and cared for? Why cant for once, I make anything right and care for him/her instead? There will be conflict.
Another example...unequally yoked, one has a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, the other, is just starting out.
One day, problems hit. "come dear, lets fast and pray". And the newer one who's not as committed 'yet', will feel, ahh, Im so tired, so many problems, I just wanna sleep. How then, can the couple resolve any conflict? Have the same level of faith, so that you can be in constant agreement, and the place of CONSTANT AGREEMENT, will then be a place of CONSTANT POWER! There will NEVER be a situation where you two cannot resolve!
Thats why most couples in church, tend to find their partners in the midst of ministry, in the midst of serving. Because they do things together. There is teamwork. A relationship without teamwork is nothing more than just a gathering of two people who feel a lot about each other.
Doing things together brings a couple closer together. Doing your own things, having your own girls night or guys night, having cliques, is going to destroy any relationship. In the first place, you expose yourself to let others meet your needs. Thats a failure in responsibility. You treasure your feelings more than the person.
People who jump into a relationship without first establishing basic friendship is a FOOL! "He who wins souls (friends) is wise". If you become partners before first becoming best friends, then when the feelings is not there, which level do you fall back on? "Best friend"? "Good friend"? "Companion"? or....STRANGERS?
BEFORE the relationship, who was the person, to you? That is the kind of relationship you will have with him/her, in the event things dont go well, because you have no strength in the friendship to fall back on.
If you cant even be a close friend, or even a best friend before a relationship - comfortable to share your problems, comfortable to cry and fully express yourself, comfortable with not just the good points, but the faults and imperfections of that person - then how are you going to think things will get any better after being attached?
As a friend, just because you like him/her, and you've never seen him/her angry before..you enter a relationship with him. All of a sudden, you see a side of him/her that you've never seen before, you get confused, hurt, disappointed and then you're stuck, because you already liked him/her and you stay on for the sake of the good feelings you shared, not for the person! (You dont like the person, yet you like the person because of the good feelings. Isnt it so? - The irony.)
Jesus is our example. Lets renew our mind. If you see love the way the world sees it, you've missed the point! God = love. If your love isnt true love, but worldly love, then: No true love = No true God, because God = love! GOD...is not in your equation! He is not in your relationship because true God = true love.
John Avanzini once preached, (for once, it wasnt about finances hahaha, so cool), "The purpose of marriage is not just for love and a happy blissful life, the purpose of marriage is to be MORE LIKE CHRIST, to learn how to live a lifestyle of love, forgiveness, faith and sacrificial giving!"
Marriage provides you with the space for conflicts and disagreements here and there, to teach you how to be patient, loving, to listen and be sensitive. Successes are birthed out of failures. Its only in an atmosphere where there is room to make mistakes, that there is room for a person to change. With sufficient grace and mercy of course.
Marriage provides you with the vulnerability for affairs, so that you learn how to develop tenacity and inner strength to forgive, to resist, to meet the needs of others at the expense of self, and the faith you need to bring change and restoration. It opens your eyes to what makes your partner tick, and to know him/her better, not by avoiding each other or calling it quits, but by doing the first things together, once again. And it will come back stronger than ever before.
Lets say because something bad happened in the relationship, your love from 100% has dropped to 40%. Its okay, dont quit! Start dating again. Build your love from scratch, dont just be committed, be LOYAL (to the right person of course).
When you guys finally fall back in love and your hearts are fully open again...guess what, now, not only do the both of you have 100% love, but because previously, you were once in love before, now you STACK the love points and COMBINE them...you get a 140% love! FOR THE GLORY OF GOD!!!
Marriage provides you with the space for financial difficulty once in awhile, so as to teach you proper financial management, how to live a lifestyle of tithing and generous offerings to God, how to master the laws of the harvest and how to practically live it out.
For practical reasons, its only when you're married, then you get to experience what its like living with another person and be STUCK to him/her for the rest of your life feels like! HAHA. Good or bad, you decide.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
find it kinda true.
"What God has joined together, let no man separate".
Separation and attacks will not come from within the relationship, but from the outside. As such, we got to guard our hearts and always stick close to each other. That is why like Ps Robb Thompson said, our destiny is tied to the ones we call friends. Be careful, not to let other people meet your partner's needs, if not, you're doomed. Thats why its important to know each other well.
Who are the people you associate yourself with? They're not just going to be there when you're single, but also when you're attached. Will they support, not just you, but your partner? Its like choosing a spouse, when marriage comes into the picture, its no longer about you anymore, its about their parents, your in-laws, do you get along? Has God given you the favor? Do you have what it takes to reach out to the unsaved in your partner's family?
This verse has a pre-requisite, attacks and separation will come from the outside only...IF...as the first part says, "What God has joined together," it has to be a God-idea, not just a man-made good idea, just because you feel good about someone, etc. Choosing the wrong person, you dont have to say much, separation and attacks can and WILL come from inside the relationship. I can prophesy to you haha. Wrong attitudes, different vision, wrong flow, etc. Quarrels and squabbles.
A member once shared with me before, to be unequally yoked is not just about religion or beliefs, its about vision and purpose. If one believes in going overseas to do missions and the other believes in local evangelism, then where's the link in that? Where's the flow? How can the two accomplish anything unless they are agreed?
If A is too mature, and B is new in the Lord, A will feel he/she's always the one sacrificing, he/she will feel used. While B will always feel, why am I so useless, why do I always have to be the one needing to be loved and cared for? Why cant for once, I make anything right and care for him/her instead? There will be conflict.
Another example...unequally yoked, one has a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, the other, is just starting out.
One day, problems hit. "come dear, lets fast and pray". And the newer one who's not as committed 'yet', will feel, ahh, Im so tired, so many problems, I just wanna sleep. How then, can the couple resolve any conflict? Have the same level of faith, so that you can be in constant agreement, and the place of CONSTANT AGREEMENT, will then be a place of CONSTANT POWER! There will NEVER be a situation where you two cannot resolve!
Thats why most couples in church, tend to find their partners in the midst of ministry, in the midst of serving. Because they do things together. There is teamwork. A relationship without teamwork is nothing more than just a gathering of two people who feel a lot about each other.
Doing things together brings a couple closer together. Doing your own things, having your own girls night or guys night, having cliques, is going to destroy any relationship. In the first place, you expose yourself to let others meet your needs. Thats a failure in responsibility. You treasure your feelings more than the person.
People who jump into a relationship without first establishing basic friendship is a FOOL! "He who wins souls (friends) is wise". If you become partners before first becoming best friends, then when the feelings is not there, which level do you fall back on? "Best friend"? "Good friend"? "Companion"? or....STRANGERS?
BEFORE the relationship, who was the person, to you? That is the kind of relationship you will have with him/her, in the event things dont go well, because you have no strength in the friendship to fall back on.
If you cant even be a close friend, or even a best friend before a relationship - comfortable to share your problems, comfortable to cry and fully express yourself, comfortable with not just the good points, but the faults and imperfections of that person - then how are you going to think things will get any better after being attached?
As a friend, just because you like him/her, and you've never seen him/her angry before..you enter a relationship with him. All of a sudden, you see a side of him/her that you've never seen before, you get confused, hurt, disappointed and then you're stuck, because you already liked him/her and you stay on for the sake of the good feelings you shared, not for the person! (You dont like the person, yet you like the person because of the good feelings. Isnt it so? - The irony.)
Jesus is our example. Lets renew our mind. If you see love the way the world sees it, you've missed the point! God = love. If your love isnt true love, but worldly love, then: No true love = No true God, because God = love! GOD...is not in your equation! He is not in your relationship because true God = true love.
John Avanzini once preached, (for once, it wasnt about finances hahaha, so cool), "The purpose of marriage is not just for love and a happy blissful life, the purpose of marriage is to be MORE LIKE CHRIST, to learn how to live a lifestyle of love, forgiveness, faith and sacrificial giving!"
Marriage provides you with the space for conflicts and disagreements here and there, to teach you how to be patient, loving, to listen and be sensitive. Successes are birthed out of failures. Its only in an atmosphere where there is room to make mistakes, that there is room for a person to change. With sufficient grace and mercy of course.
Marriage provides you with the vulnerability for affairs, so that you learn how to develop tenacity and inner strength to forgive, to resist, to meet the needs of others at the expense of self, and the faith you need to bring change and restoration. It opens your eyes to what makes your partner tick, and to know him/her better, not by avoiding each other or calling it quits, but by doing the first things together, once again. And it will come back stronger than ever before.
Lets say because something bad happened in the relationship, your love from 100% has dropped to 40%. Its okay, dont quit! Start dating again. Build your love from scratch, dont just be committed, be LOYAL (to the right person of course).
When you guys finally fall back in love and your hearts are fully open again...guess what, now, not only do the both of you have 100% love, but because previously, you were once in love before, now you STACK the love points and COMBINE them...you get a 140% love! FOR THE GLORY OF GOD!!!
Marriage provides you with the space for financial difficulty once in awhile, so as to teach you proper financial management, how to live a lifestyle of tithing and generous offerings to God, how to master the laws of the harvest and how to practically live it out.
For practical reasons, its only when you're married, then you get to experience what its like living with another person and be STUCK to him/her for the rest of your life feels like! HAHA. Good or bad, you decide.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"chiong-ing" dramas and movies now.
yeah, bored to e max.
but, no money to go out alr.
i wonder if i'll be able to go out this sat man ://
i'm now left wid like 5 bucks?
but at least, i've enjoyed myself wid all e outings .
and i tell u, my outings are crazy man !
gng out almost everyday.
for e.g. 5 days last wk
this is the first time i went out so many times during holiday.
and within one month at tt :/
aiyaa. forget abt tt.
just that, i'm still fretting abt tmr.
and.. so bored now.
less than 5 ppl out of sooo many ppl in my contact list are on9 ):
yeah, bored to e max.
but, no money to go out alr.
i wonder if i'll be able to go out this sat man ://
i'm now left wid like 5 bucks?
but at least, i've enjoyed myself wid all e outings .
and i tell u, my outings are crazy man !
gng out almost everyday.
for e.g. 5 days last wk
this is the first time i went out so many times during holiday.
and within one month at tt :/
aiyaa. forget abt tt.
just that, i'm still fretting abt tmr.
and.. so bored now.
less than 5 ppl out of sooo many ppl in my contact list are on9 ):
Monday, March 22, 2010
yesyesyes, i ought to have an update on my outings alr (:
19th mar:
went to sakae buffet wid vin.
was super hungry at first and kinda gorged like 3-4 plates at one go.
e others, at my own pace (:
was super bloated at the end of the session.
think it's cos i drank a lot of water.
thirsty, u noe.
but well, skipped breakfast for this buffet.
and it's like, this buffet is equivalent to my 3 meals.
21th mar:
went out wid stan.
walked from blk 100+ to 700+
i was like still telling him not possible to walk dere. cos it's far :x
but at least i led e way from blk 100+ to 600+ xD
suddenly caught "kenji".
i mean, didnt plan for this movie at first.
not bad movie but the plot is so predictable can :/
i even noe wad was gng to happen nxt .
but still, not bad ahh.
22th mar:
went out for kbox !!
now i got to sing most of rainie's songs :D
even those that i didnt rly get it right e other time round.
AND, we didnt play the singer's voice out.
so it's like solo.
and i sounded soooo weird while singing S.H.E's songs.
cos it's like, one me singing all 3 ppl's part and i got so breathless that i think i sang out of tune :/
but still i enjoyed.
and played pool !
i was aiming anyhow but still, the balls got in :D
aft all these activities, i was beat !
but decided to use comp for an update :P
wonder if i'll get enough money for sat's and sun's outing :(
and and,
had been feeling kinda down today.
just that i didnt show it to my fren when i went out tdy.
one day only, and it seems soooooo long .
wonder how am i gng to survive the 5 days nia.
19th mar:
went to sakae buffet wid vin.
was super hungry at first and kinda gorged like 3-4 plates at one go.
e others, at my own pace (:
was super bloated at the end of the session.
think it's cos i drank a lot of water.
thirsty, u noe.
but well, skipped breakfast for this buffet.
and it's like, this buffet is equivalent to my 3 meals.
21th mar:
went out wid stan.
walked from blk 100+ to 700+
i was like still telling him not possible to walk dere. cos it's far :x
but at least i led e way from blk 100+ to 600+ xD
suddenly caught "kenji".
i mean, didnt plan for this movie at first.
not bad movie but the plot is so predictable can :/
i even noe wad was gng to happen nxt .
but still, not bad ahh.
22th mar:
went out for kbox !!
now i got to sing most of rainie's songs :D
even those that i didnt rly get it right e other time round.
AND, we didnt play the singer's voice out.
so it's like solo.
and i sounded soooo weird while singing S.H.E's songs.
cos it's like, one me singing all 3 ppl's part and i got so breathless that i think i sang out of tune :/
but still i enjoyed.
and played pool !
i was aiming anyhow but still, the balls got in :D
aft all these activities, i was beat !
but decided to use comp for an update :P
wonder if i'll get enough money for sat's and sun's outing :(
and and,
had been feeling kinda down today.
just that i didnt show it to my fren when i went out tdy.
one day only, and it seems soooooo long .
wonder how am i gng to survive the 5 days nia.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
went k box agn !! xD
awww. didnt rly get to sing rainie's songs till i felt super satisfied.
nvm ! i will sing it e nxt time i go ! !!!!! xD
didnt noe jw oso like rainie's songs !!!!
gd gd gd .
and stan's singing is soo funny xD
kk. and guang yong rte. see i noe ur name.
had fun tdy laa.
BUT. rly felt super guilty leh..
haix ://
awww. didnt rly get to sing rainie's songs till i felt super satisfied.
nvm ! i will sing it e nxt time i go ! !!!!! xD
didnt noe jw oso like rainie's songs !!!!
gd gd gd .
and stan's singing is soo funny xD
kk. and guang yong rte. see i noe ur name.
had fun tdy laa.
BUT. rly felt super guilty leh..
haix ://
Saturday, March 13, 2010
aiyaa. i shouldn't comment much abt that incident.
or maybe in general.
cos it all depends on individual.
anw.. i wanna go out agn !!!!
shld be meeting li yin and vincent this mon/ tue.
duno when.
i shld be free ^^
wanna go out wid joycelyn too.
esp when u have 1 wk of hols rte??? ((:
long time no see !!!
and oh !
meeting kang kong, puppy, tofu and red cloud too ! :D
heh. wonder how will that day be
or maybe in general.
cos it all depends on individual.
anw.. i wanna go out agn !!!!
shld be meeting li yin and vincent this mon/ tue.
duno when.
i shld be free ^^
wanna go out wid joycelyn too.
esp when u have 1 wk of hols rte??? ((:
long time no see !!!
and oh !
meeting kang kong, puppy, tofu and red cloud too ! :D
heh. wonder how will that day be
Thursday, March 11, 2010
went out wid liyin and vincent tdy !
but before that, i went to sp for my bro's comp.
and surprisingly, the comp is rescued though at first they told me formatting is required.
tt's ssoooo a gd news !
hope it wun crash agn xD
and , i was like so happy in the k box just now
ghost in the midst
and liyin's bf came to join us l8r :D
such a filling dinner !
super fill :/
shall meet up wid dem agn l8r ! xD
but before that, i went to sp for my bro's comp.
and surprisingly, the comp is rescued though at first they told me formatting is required.
tt's ssoooo a gd news !
hope it wun crash agn xD
and , i was like so happy in the k box just now
ghost in the midst
and liyin's bf came to join us l8r :D
such a filling dinner !
super fill :/
shall meet up wid dem agn l8r ! xD
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
are all men the same??
jack neo's incident is rly unpredictable or maybe not?
all men just will succumb to temptations, wun dey?
guys have their desires.
so wad?
does that give them the reason to cheat outside? :/
goosebumps are coming out at this thought :(
i dun care if ppl does it. cos dere's no way i can control.
but.. will u??
jack neo's incident is rly unpredictable or maybe not?
all men just will succumb to temptations, wun dey?
guys have their desires.
so wad?
does that give them the reason to cheat outside? :/
goosebumps are coming out at this thought :(
i dun care if ppl does it. cos dere's no way i can control.
but.. will u??
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
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